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ColdFusion Alive

Apr 17, 2024

Scott Stroz talks about “ColdFusion Oracle Cloud Migration with MySQL (from VPS) in this episode of ColdFusion Alive Podcast with host Michaela Light.

“…And the difference between Oracle clouds version of the manage the managed MySQL database is that in Oracle Cloud, it's Enterprise Edition. So if you are using MySQL heatwave in Oracle Cloud, you're actually using Enterprise Edition”.

Show notes

What is Oracle Cloud?

  • Oracle cloud services like AWS, GCP, Azure etc
  • Servers, Storage, MySQL, AI etc
  • OCI = Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

How does it differ from AWS, GCP, Azure etc?

  • Robust always free tier, not CC required
  • Startups, open source or personal projects
  • Oracle is the steward behind MySQL community edition 
  • MySQL Heatwave is cloud version of MySQL
    • Compare AzureSQL etc
    • Managed db
    • Enterprise edition performance boosts and more security
    • The latest


  • New features - Ben Nadel posts
  • Open Source version and closed source versions
  • Caught up with MS-SQL Server
  • MariaDB fork
    • Original MySQL dev lead developer/CTO is Michael "Monty" Widenius
    • SQL Server is a 'fork' of Sybase
  • Docker images
  • Auto Tuning and DBA
    • AI and ML
    • Oracle The Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) provides a holistic tuning solution.

Why cloud hosting?

  • Ease - no server management, no hardware management
  • Fast upscale of memory, disk, CPU
  • Fast scaling of extra servers and spin down too
  • Ditto failover
  • CapEx vs OpEx
  • Small and Enterprise good, Medium less
    • 37 signals posts on cloud vs inhouse
  • Regions - data centers 
  • Patching and security 
    • Very hard to hack MySQL cloud
  • Point in time recovery
  • Easier Disaster Recovery
  • Pre-problem detection

Why use Oracle Cloud?

  • Always free tier - 4 VMs, ARM CPU
    • Lucee issue on ARM? Fixed with CommandBox
  • Two Oracle Autonomous Databases with powerful tools like Oracle APEX and Oracle SQL Developer
  • Two AMD Compute VMs
  • Up to 4 instances of ARM Ampere A1 Compute with 3,000 OCPU hours and 18,000 GB hours per month
  • Block, Object, and Archive Storage; Load Balancer and data egress; Monitoring and Notifications

Moved from VPS at HostMedia in Europe

  • Lucee on MySQL

Issues with migration that you solved

  • Set up MySQL instance (VM)
    • Now would just use HeatWave MySQL
  • Update Datasource in CF Admin
  • Use CommandBox to launch Lucee

Paramedic experience and development skills

  • Transferring skills from other careers to developing
  • Deal with high stress - stay calm, calm others in chaos
  • Troubleshooting skills - differential diagnosis - keep checking for evidence is true
  • Intuition on what to do or not to do
  • Layers of bugs
  • New keynote
  • Learning from your mistakes or other people’s mistake
    • Code reviews
    • Opportunity to learn
    • Rotate reviewers 
    • Think bigger picture 
    • Code reuse
    • Open source
  • Time to go, time to stay

Why are you proud to use CF?

  • Ortus tools and packages
  • Node packages
  • CF community 

WWIT to make CF more alive this year?


Mentioned in this episode


Scott Stroz

Developer Advocate for MySQL

20+ Years as Software Developer/Architect

2 Years as Assistant Network Administrator

2 Years as Operations Manager for large Mobile Health System

14 years as a Paramedic.


Web application development with Groovy/Grails, Angular, Vue.js, Micronaut.
